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HUSOLC KKU & English Corner organized the online seminar “Thai-English Translation: Process, Practice, and Problems.”

HUSOLC KKU & English Corner organized the online seminar “Thai-English Translation: Process, Practice, and Problems.”

On December 16, 2021, the Humanities and Social Sciences Language Center and International Affairs faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Khon Kaen University organized, for the first time, the topic “Thai-English Translation: Process, Practice, and Problems.”. Honored by Ass. Prof. Dr. Thanapauge Chamaratana, Assistant to the Dean for Academic and International Affairs, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Khon Kaen University, for being a president and giving the opening speech. The Participants in this seminar were 14 people who were connected through the ZOOM Meeting program.

The Thai-English Translation: Process, Practice, and Problems seminar aimed to develop the Thai to English and English to Thai translation and editing skills of students in the faculty. This would help to develop the faculty with an international perspective, and also encourage students to become desirable graduates with communication skills for the 21st century, as well as creating an equitable education. It was presented by the speakers, Ajarn Vanessa Moll and Ajarn Lloyd Naylor, teachers at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences who are experienced in translation from Thai to English and editing translations of many articles, abstracts, and research papers.

By organizing this seminar, it was a good opportunity for teachers and students of Khon Kaen University as well as members of the general public who were interested in the topic, to join together in exchanging knowledge and practicing Thai to English translation and editing skills. That is, skills, techniques and knowledge which can be applied to future studies and work.

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