Organizational Structure
July 21, 2020 | 7938 Hits
Administrative Structure
The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Khon Kaen University is structured with the Dean as the highest-ranking administrator. The Faculty also has a Faculty Committee, which is responsible for setting policies, providing advice, and approving the Faculty's management and operations in various areas, in accordance with the authority stipulated in the Khon Kaen University Act.
Vice Dean/Assistant Dean
Faculty Administration Division
Academic Administration Division
Specialized Research Centers
and Academic Service Centers
Administration Office
Department of Western Languages
Center for English Language Excellence (CELEx)
Center for Civil Society and Nonprofit Management (CSNM) |
Student Development and Organizational Communication Office
Department of Eastern Languages
Life-long Learning Center
Northeast Community Studies Center (NCSC) |
Strategic Planning and Research Office
Department of Thai Language
Center for Gender Studies
Research Group on Wellbeing and Sustainable Development (WeSD) |
Academic Affairs Office
Department of English
Language Center
Digital Humanities Research Group (DHRG) |
Department of Humanities
Center for Research on Plurality in the Mekong Region (CERP)
Research Group for Public Policy (RGPP) |
Department of Social Sciences
Labour and International Migration Service Center (LIMSC)
Department of Information Science